SVITBA Sponsorship Opportunities

The Southern Vancouver Island Tenpin Bowling Association [SVITBA] was incorporated in 2004 as a
Non-profit organization and is Chartered under the Canadian Tenpin Federation. Our association’s
primary goal is to promote tenpin bowling across Southern Vancouver Island and we provide an equal
opportunity for all levels of bowling (amateur, youth, adults & seniors) to participate in the sport of
tenpin bowling competition.

We have seen significant growth across all of our sanctioned leagues within Langford Lanes,
especially through our Youth league. Five years ago, we had 22 youth bowlers, and as we wrap up our
2023/2024 season, we are now at capacity with 50 youth. Our youth program has also seen some
significantly talented youth with a Provincial Junior Girls champion in our 2022/2023 season and a
Provincial Junior Boys champion March 2024. We have also had several Senior bowlers compete in
Provincial tournaments, earning trips to the United States to compete against other bowlers in their

Our main fundraising goal is to invest in our members by helping support our coaches with training
and certification. Additionally we would like to help support adult, youth and senior bowlers in their
travels, entry fees, training camps and other expenses as provincial champions travel to the National
Championships across Canada as they represent our association, Victoria, British Columbia and

Sponsorships are important as our organization strives to improve and build a strong support network
within our TenPin bowling community. Locally, the Southern Vancouver Island TenPin Federation hosts
6 tournaments throughout each season where we host bowlers from across Vancouver Island and
British Columbia. Here we fundraise through Silent Auctions, Raffles and 50/50 tickets but are looking
for new sponsors for additional ways of sponsorship.

By sponsoring with us, you can assist our Adult, Senior, and Youth bowlers to get the certified
coaching they need, support them as they participate in Provincial and National tournaments as well
as getting brand exposure through options such as signage, youth jerseys, website advertising, and
social media. The Southern Vancouver Island TenPin Bowling can also provide sponsorships to our
youth intending on enrolling in post-secondary education.

Become A Sponsor

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