Section A – Annual Meeting

An annual meeting of Local Association Registered Participants shall be held at a time and place approved by the Local Association Board. Attendance is open to all Registered Participants.

  1. Registered Participants’ Responsibility. Registered Participants vote to elect individuals to the Local Association Board and elect Delegates and Alternates for the CTF Annual General Meeting and provincial meetings.
  2. Voting. Only Registered Participants, eighteen (18) years of age or older, voting officers and Directors of the Local Association may vote.
  3. Meeting Notice. Written notice of the meeting shall be forwarded to the Local Association Board and league secretaries, which should be at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the annual meeting.
  4. Quorum. Six (6) Registered Participants constitute a quorum.
  5. Action. The vote of a majority of those Registered Participants present and voting, when a quorum has been established, is required to take action, unless otherwise provided by law or these Bylaws.

Section B – Local Association Board Meeting

The Local Association Board shall meet at least quarterly. Special meetings may be held upon the request of any Local Association Board member if a majority of the Local Association Board approves.

  1. Notice. Written notice for all regular and special meetings shall be forwarded at a minimum to the Local Association Board, which should be at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the start of a meeting.
  2. Quorum. Five (5) Local Association Board members constitute a quorum.
  3. Action. The vote of a majority of the Local Association Board present and voting, when a quorum has been established, is required to take action, unless otherwise provided by law or these Bylaws.

Section AC – Parliamentary Procedure

The most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised governs all meetings.