Section A – Annual Meeting
An annual meeting of Local Association Registered Participants shall be held at a time and place approved by the Local Association Board. Attendance is open to all Registered Participants.
- Registered Participants’ Responsibility. Registered Participants vote to elect individuals to the Local Association Board and elect Delegates and Alternates for the CTF Annual General Meeting and provincial meetings.
- Voting. Only Registered Participants, eighteen (18) years of age or older, voting officers and Directors of the Local Association may vote.
- Meeting Notice. Written notice of the meeting shall be forwarded to the Local Association Board and league secretaries, which should be at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the annual meeting.
- Quorum. Six (6) Registered Participants constitute a quorum.
- Action. The vote of a majority of those Registered Participants present and voting, when a quorum has been established, is required to take action, unless otherwise provided by law or these Bylaws.
Section B – Local Association Board Meeting
The Local Association Board shall meet at least quarterly. Special meetings may be held upon the request of any Local Association Board member if a majority of the Local Association Board approves.
- Notice. Written notice for all regular and special meetings shall be forwarded at a minimum to the Local Association Board, which should be at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the start of a meeting.
- Quorum. Five (5) Local Association Board members constitute a quorum.
- Action. The vote of a majority of the Local Association Board present and voting, when a quorum has been established, is required to take action, unless otherwise provided by law or these Bylaws.
Section AC – Parliamentary Procedure
The most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised governs all meetings.